Guardians Of The Comedy Vol. 2

James Gunn is too funny.

After watching Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2, my girlfriend loves Baby Groot, my friend was sad there wasn't enough Chris Pratt and I knew I would never be as good at comedy as James Gunn.

Not convinced? Here are some of the things that happen in it, a multi-million dollar superhero film financed by capitalist corporations with the sole intent of making a bunch of money:

- There is a super tripy sequence in which four characters scream uncontrollably while their looking dumb. 

- Dave Batista as Drax guffaws right in people's faces all the time. That man is a gift.

- There is a poop joke that is so good, it made me furious after the film

If James Gunn continues to be this funny, there will be no comedy left for the rest of us. He must be stopped for Time Cheetah to succeed. In fact, do your part and look at today's New Page!

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Cinco De Mayo

Hello fellow readers! Cinco de Mayo is soon to be upon us all, and as Latino writing team, we thought we'd share you some cool tips to make sure you're celebrating is clean and well informed:

-Getting drunk in Cinco de Mayo is fine. Eating tacos and drinking tequila is fine. Wearing a sombrero is probably not fine. 

-Be safe! Have a designated driver, spot all emergency exists, maintain situational awareness.

- Cinco de Mayo is NOT the Mexican Independence Day.  Mexico does not have an equivalent to that beautiful American Blockbuster. 

Keep these hot tips in mind and you're celebration is sure to make none of your latino friends uncomfortable. The same applies to the newest Time Cheetah Page. It can only bring smiles and laughter. Have fun!

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Franchise Similarities

We know what you're thinking.
“Poker? Exotic locations? Secret agents? Boy this sounds criminally similar to that other successful franchise..."
PERISH such thoughts from your mind! Unlike the unrelated Thames Pond movie Frapuchino Locale, the Time Cheetah adventure "Ford's Fortune" is completely original. Observe:
- Time Cheetah is a cat man. Not a British man.
- Time Cheetah doesn't just international travel, but he time travels as well. Much higher production values.
- Time Cheetah's catchphrase isn't just his name. It's “Rawr.” Much more civilized.
As you can see, miles apart. Completely litigation proof. Hey, why don't you check out today's new page and see for yourself?

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Wallpaper's worth a Thousand Words

Cheetah's new office is terrible: bad lighting, old computer and boxes full of surprises. But nothing sums it up quite as well as his wallpaper. 

And that's all thanks to our wonderful Colorist, Mikey Cossin. 

Our script for this page only mentions that Time Cheetah's office has some super sad wallpaper. We didn't expect to get the dilapidated, debilatinglinly depressing wallpaper that Mikey used. Not only that, it gives the page it's own unique color pallete in contrast with the rest of the issue. WHOA!

Comics, like international trade deals, require cooperation. The final product is never 100% the writers or the artists, it's a wonderful combination. Today, we wanted to highlight a piece that improves the whole and the man behind it. Way to go Mikey!

Why not see this work of art on today's new Time Cheetah Page? Or check out Mikey's shirt shop? OR DO BOTH!

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