Time Cheetah Vol.2 Kickstarter: Ford's Fortune!

We've come a long way since the first Time Cheetah Kickstarter got funded last year ($9,435 from 273 backers): books were printed, rewards were shipped and a brand new story, Ford's Fortune, was unleashed unto the world. 

But one question has loomed over us since that fateful day: when will the second book descend from the heavens?


But this 80-page softcover book  ain't gonna print itself! Click through the  link, watch the video, and give us your money. We've got the book, we've got loot, we've got t-shirts, and more. It's Capitalism and Charity all rolled up into one!

Time Cheetah's come a long way since 2016 and we want to give a sincere thank you to everyone that's helped get us to this point. Matt and Mike Cossin have continued to outo themselves with their spectacular art, Tom Long's lettered every dumb line we could think of, Samantha Barlin gave us all of our awesome designs, Carolina Matamoros made us look good in our stellar video, and Gregory Dengler provided our smooth video animation. All the incredibly talented creators that gave us glowing quotes, all the friends and family supporting us along the way, and everyone who made the time to read our ridiculous webcomic: thank you so much.

We're gonna be keeping busy! We're excited to show you more and hope you'll support our project. Now give us your money, please!

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Ford Part 2 Update

Hello, dear readers, and welcome! Hope you've enjoyed Ford's Fortune so far. 

The Time Cheetah Team is taking a small hiatus so we can finish up preparations for our successful Kickstarter campaign's reward fulfillment. All sorts of cool stuff  has arrived (Stickers! Postcards!) and Books should be in our hands by mid-late August!

BUT WORRY NOT! We know your hunger for more Cheetah knows no bounds, so the good news is you won't have to wait long. Part 2 is all drawn and with the lettering almost done, we can safely say Ford's Fortune Part 2 will begin on August 22nd

Thank you all for the support, the love, and as always, RAWR!

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People Watching

All my jobs currently involve a lot of people watching, and America is a fascinating zoo. Sometimes you're lucky enough to see a unicorn: a person so confounding it bothers you for hours. Who are they? What decisions made brought them to this here?

Today, I want to share some of the unicorns I've seen with you. Maybe they'll ease your hard day as they have mine.

-A old man, definitely not homeless, popping wheelies in his wheelchair while blaring Eazy-E from the speakers he installed under said wheelchair.

-A man at the airport wearing a sports jacket, shorts, sunglasses, high socks, and tennis shoes. None of their colors matched.

-A woman struggling to keep up with cattle drive going through downtown San Diego (Yes, that happened), all the while holding a sign that said: 'Get informed, www.cowspiracy.com'

The world is a beautiful tapestry, just like Time Cheetah's newest page. Seriously, this is bananas.

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Sometimes, you get a comic you can't put down.

An acquaintance of mine gave me all three volumes of Tonoharu after we had a conversation about Japan. My major in college was Japanese and I studied in Kyoto for ten months, which was a life changing experience. I ended up realizing Japan wasn't a place I wanted to live in for lotsa complicated reasons but lack of beauty wasn't one of them. That beauty is an aspect Tonoharu captures perfectly. 

The book is stunning to look at (preview) and it's author, Lars Martinson, took a long time to capture all of it's little idiosyncrasies. Like, 13 years long for all three volumes, which is insane. I read it all in one sitting, I couldn't put it down.

It's about loneliness, being in foreign place, and finding inspiration in others. I really encourage anyone who's visited/studies/taught in Japan, or just wondered what an everyday feels like for a foreigner, to pick up a copy

We also encourage you see the new page of Time Cheetah, duh!

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