Welcome to 2017

Welcome to 2017, everybody! With Stalin Island starting to wrap up, we've got a busy year ahead of us. Here's what you can expect from Time Cheetah in 2017:

–A fun 8-page story, a bit of a palate cleanser before our next full story.

–After that, a new 52-page Time Cheetah adventure that features gambling and cars!

–Perhaps the ever elusive... sweet merch?

-A super secret surprise thing that we will talk about next week!

This year's just getting started but it's primed to be the greatest year of Time Cheetah to date. Suck it, 2016! Hells yeah 2017!

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2017: We're Back!

Happy New Year, fellow readers! I hope you're rested because Time Cheetah is back, going into the 12th gear of our shocking climax. Check. It. Out. Now!

What did we do with our precious holidays? Me and Carlos were in Las Vegas between Christmas and New Years, but we wanted something to do that wasn't the typical debauchery. Battlefield Vegas came to the rescue. In keeping with Vegas tradition, this is no ordinary gun range. 

Wanna shoot a WW2 rifle? Done. (I shot the M1 Garand.) Don't know what gun John Wick uses? They do, and you can use it to become John Wick. Or if you feel like compensating, why not just shoot a minigun? The service was fantastic and I cannot recomendad them enough. If you're in the city of Sin, head down to Battlefield Vegas. 

We wanna hear what you got up to during the holidays too, so please share with us your family dramas, moments of tenderness, or just plain existential terror over the coming year. 2017 here we come!

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Holiday Break!

Happy Holidays, everyone! 

2016 comes to an end and so does the YEAR OF CHEETAH. We've worked very hard to bring you Time Cheetah and his first adventure, The Secret of Stalin Island, and it's been a dream to share it with the world. Hope you've loved it as much as we have!

That being said, we're taking a small break for the holidays. This is the last page of 2016, the next page will post on January 3rd, 2017. The adventure is approaching it's climactic ending, will Time Cheetah and Rodriguez find a way out? 

Who knows! Check back next year and have a happy holidays!

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Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal

It's right around the corner, you guys! Christmas! The time of year when you hunker down and gorge on food, movies, TV shows, family, and gifts. All must be consumed, so demands the jolly red man!

In the spirit of Christmas, I'd like to give you all a few small gifts that will hopefully brighten up your holidays with mirth and frankincense or whatever. These gifts come in the form of internet videos that made me laugh this year, and they are carried upon the camel hump of our wonderful internet, delivered to the manger of your mind. Enjoy!

Cat Punches Stuffed Tiger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFw6JW_A5XU

Combines the simple joy of a cat video with the pumped up feeling of yelling “WORLDSTAR!” at your computer screen. A joy few things can provide, so we should cherish those things that can.

Bootleg Fireworks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRItYDKSqpQ

The amount of times that Jesus gets mentioned in this video likely counts as going to Christmas mass. Amen to that!

Geraldine Loves Star Wars - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBBwXAPNLr0

I watched Rogue One. I played the Battlefront video game. I even read the Darth Vader comic book. But I guarantee the best Star Wars thing to come out of 2016 is this video. No. Contest.

Pokerap - https://vimeo.com/174597335

With the release of Pokemon Go this year, I re-listened to this classic to see how many of the OG 150 I could still name. I'll be honest, I got far fewer than I thought! Try it out yourself and keep track of how quickly you get stumped!


And since it's the season for giving, I'll give ya one more:

Suh Dude - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIHYPaoh79I

And a Merry Suh Dude to one and all!

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