Hey. Guess what?

Time Cheetah's back, baby! Did we ever really leave, you might ask yourself... the answer is maybe. We took a nap. A long nap. But the purpose of the nap? To regain our strength and return better than ever!

It's been a little over a month since we wrapped our Time Cheetah Kickstarter, and we've been working on getting our first story, “The Secret of Stalin Island,” into book form. Along with that, we've been preparing T-shirts, postcards, sketches and many other rewards. But just 'cause we're hard at work on fulfilling our Kickstarter doesn't mean Time Cheetah wasn't already waiting in the wings to make a comeback.

And so we begin the next Time Cheetah story, entitled “Ford's Fortune”! After his successful mission stopping Colonel Bolshevik, Time Cheetah's about to embark on an adventure even more ridiculous than the last. The only thing I'll spoil about this story: there's gonna be a lot more cursing. Like, an unnecessary amount of cursing. Not by Cheetah, though. He's still just gonna say RAWR. I guess that sorta counts as a second spoiler... shit.

You know the drill: we update twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and write a nice little companion post like so. Two part story, 26 pages each. Awesome art with terrible jokes. Time Cheetah will be in it. Share us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and tumbl us on tumblr. PS we love you.

Alright, did you even read this far? What are you doing? There's a new Time Cheetah page to read, so go read it!